Pet peeve as a native Arizonan, but AZ is not on Mountain Daylight Time with Colorado, Utah, etc. but instead on Mountain Standard Time/MST since we don't observe daylight savings at all. We don't change - everyone else does. Now we line up with the west coast (Pacific Daylight Time/PDT) and are an hour behind MDT. Once daylight savings ends in the fall, we will be an hour ahead of the west coast/PST but will match the regions of Mountain Time that do observe daylight savings in the summer. As someone who has had to schedule inter-time-zone meetings, every time someone in the US says PST in the summer I cringe... Sorry for the off-topic post!
Brian Strawley was the winner, and Clint McClendon was the runner up. Congrats to both of them!
Don’t forget - they are on Mountain Time, and sometimes auditions go into the late evening. There are 2 candidates in finals.