I see a lot of posts/comments here that will name the finalists in addition to naming the winner (or in the case of a no-hire). I can’t help but think a non-insignificant portion of these finalists would rather not be named on a public forum, for any number of reasons.
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In the non-music world, people don't tend to advertise jobs they've applied for and didn't get, nor do they tell their current employer that they're looking elsewhere until they have an offer.
Sure, word travels quickly, but does this mean it needs to be engraved indefinitely on a public forum?
Our policy right now (afaik) is that we will remove posts/comments that name finalists before the finals themselves. I'd be open to doing the same for ones that do it after the audition is over but idk if that is set in stone right now.
Anyone who shows up to an audition is putting themselves in the public eye. Results are generally given to the entire waiting room at once, and word spreads fast among friends. This forum just makes word spread a little faster.