With a lot of no hires happening, it got me wondering how much an orchestra needs to budget for/spend to host an audition. It’s obviously very expensive and time consuming for the candidates, but what’s the damage on the other side?
I know it will probably vary by organization to organization, so would love to hear insights from insiders of orchestras of all sizes
im guessing it won't be as much as you think. as far as my orchestra's CBA states, committee members will get extra compensation depending on how many hours the audition goes for on top of their regular salary. assuming that the orchestra uses their own hall, that won't cost any extra for using the space. then, most of the members actually running the audition behind the scenes(personnel manager(s), etc) likely just get whatever their regular salary is, because running auditions are most likely outlined in their employment. My best guess for an audition that would run for lets say 3 days, maybe the upwards of $5000. I'm not someone that works behind the scenes, so I don't know!