there are 5 openings in the OSM viola section. Does anyone know how this came to be? Seems like an awful lot.
On a related note...anyone know anything about how OSM regards hiring non-Canadians? Is it even worth auditioning if you aren't a citizen or permanent resident?
Many people in the violin section all won their jobs at the same time years ago and are now retiring. Maybe it's the same kind of reason in the viola section. I have auditioned for OSM as a US citizen and now as a permanent resident. Canadian orchestras are required to hold a national audition first before holding intl. Sometimes it results in no hire and they go to intl but last year there was one hire with five spots. This year at intl round there were three hires with 5 spots. From my y knowledge.
For sure, they do hire non-Canandians. It may seem like they mostly hire Canadians because there are much smaller number of non-Canandians that come to audition in the first place. Same situation for the violin as well. There were 5 openings since 2021, hired 1 in 2021 and still had 5 positions available in 2022. Latest audition they filled 3/5. So many positions available in the orchestra but such a few candidates being hired 🥲
From what I know, they started off with a national audition and very few people even applied to the position, resulting in a no hire. I did hear that orchestras like Toronto Symphony are not doing National auditions anymore and starting from International Auditions since the level of playing is usually higher.